The numbers are out and they are unimpressive
"Canada has dropped out of the top 10 in international math education standings, a decline that is raising alarms about the country’s future prosperity."
“The largest declines in student performance were in Manitoba, Alberta, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Scores in Alberta, once a Canadian leader in math performance, have fallen 32 points over nine years.”
The current math curriculum in Alberta schools is watered down and boring. It doesn't challenge the kids nor does it excite them about a subject that is part of everything they do now and will be necessary for just about every one of the cool jobs they will want to do in the future. They learn more math playing Minecraft than they do in school but only a handful of teachers even mention that Minecraft is math.
Both of my kids can do math beyond what they are taught in school because they have been given an opportunity to do more than and to discover they are capable, every kid is. They have been going to just one hour a week of enrichment at Bright Minds Math now for a couple of years and what they get from it is confidence, an understanding of how math works, an opportunity to play games that strengthen what they learn in the books, puzzles that challenge the skills they have been taught in class and an chance to tackle stuff that will take them more than five minutes to figure out.
When we first started Bright Minds my kids fought it but I explained that they were not going to grow up and look back and ever ask : “Mom, why did you make us go to those math classes?” Recently my daughter was going over notes for a school math test and and I asked her if she was all set. She said; “Easy peasy lemony squeezey Mom, I’ve got it.” Music to my ears, money and time well spent.
The system is allowing our children to fall behind in a critical skill, it’s inexcusable. It’s crippling. It’s negligent.