Friday, February 1, 2013

Honour Their Nature

Originally Posted June 24, 2012

My kids are not tough nor are they dare devils but they are many other things that I admire.

They are scared of water but they are not scared to tell the truth.

They don’t take many chances but they do take responsibility.

They may not stand up for themselves but they always stand up for their friends.

My daughter is sensitive, emotional and quick to cry so she is an easy target for the kids who take pleasure in picking on her type.

I was at the school having lunch with the kids last week when her brother said something to her that hurt her feelings and she cried.

In light of what’s been going on I said to her: “You know kiddo, these kinds of emotional outbursts are what make you a target, maybe you should try to rein ‘em in.” 

“But Jack truly hurt my feelings mom, the tears follow the hurt.”

Of course they do. In suggesting she not feel things quite so deeply I was not honouring her nature. I was telling her to toughen up, something I have been told and always loathed - a ridiculous expression that needs to be countered with: “Why don’t you soften up?”

I would love for her not to been seen as prey but on the other hand I know that if sensitive and cry-baby and wimp is the worst she gets called she and I can live with it. I would rather that than find out her true nature earned her other descriptives like bully, mean and aggressive.

My daughter is kind at heart and she feels true empathy - I don’t want her to toughen up.

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