A little girl at a local school is being bullied. One of the bigger boys is "tea bagging" her. Often.
I’ll let you look it up. One note; this version is done clothed.
Kids - mostly boys - learn about it playing Halo when battle winners gyrate their crotch over a defeated opponent.
The fact that an 11 year old girl is having this done to her - repeatedly - is disturbing.
More disturbing is that another kid in the school has been paying the boy to do it to this poor girl. How is it that kids have managed to get to be 12 years old and not know that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable?
The girl's parents have gone to the school to demand action. But the schools don't know what kind of action to take anymore. Nasty behaviour has slowly crept into the schools over the years and it is not being dealt with. Most schools seem to have given up and it's hard to blame them, it's got to be frustrating to have the parents deny culpability just like their kids do.
"Not me!" Has become: "Not my kid!"
Used to be a teacher would catch a kid doing something wrong, pull them up by the ear, march them to office, call the kid's parents and they would have to come and get the kid, take him/her home and the principal would give the parents what-for.
Parents are afraid to speak to one another directly about each other's kids to discuss things lest they be black-balled by the Mommy Group, ostracized at the soccer filed or name-called on Facebook. I don't recall my mother ever being more interested in her friendships than our well being and our behaviour. Seems today all kinds of things are ignored so that moms can remain "in" while they quietly seethe about one another's kids. Waste of time.
So as a last resort we turn to the schools to discipline the kids - but that's not their job. They are meant to teach the kids. We are their parents.
The school tells the kid to knock it off and no amount of whining or crying is going to change things.
They then call the parents and demand they come pick up their kid and give them a refresher in what's right and wrong.
No more chances, if he/she does it again it's a week's suspension and the school doesn't care if you don't have childcare set up for such a situation, that is your problem, maybe use some of your vacation days to sit with at home and teach your kid about life instead of taking another trip to Hawaii so the kid thinks they get rewards for being an ass.
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